
Here’s Tips on How to Legally Travel with Cannabis

Now that the pandemic is coming to an end, people are itching to get back to traveling. Dining and entertainment are back in business, and things are slowly getting back to normal.

Out of convenience, cannabis consumers are learning how to travel with cannabis to enhance their vacation time. So, you may feel ready to take that trip you’ve been fantasizing about while cooped up in your house for the past year.

If you’re planning a trip, you’re probably wondering how to travel with cannabis. The process of traveling with cannabis can be somewhat complicated, whether it contains THC or even CBD. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Read on to find out what you’re getting into when you travel with cannabis and how to do so in the safest way possible.

Traveling with Cannabis

Traveling with weed will vary from state to state and by mode of transportation. Be sure you know the states’ policies you are traveling to and from on cannabis in general before taking your stash with you on your next trip.

State Regulations & Fines

Cannabis is legal in many states, but it is not legal in every state (states, where weed is not legal at all, including South Carolina, Tennessee, Kansas, Wyoming, and Idaho), nor is it federally legal. Getting caught in possession of weed in a state where it isn’t legal will leave you subject to the fines and penalties of that state, even if you obtained it legally in a different state.

Furthermore, the same thing applies to foreign countries. See the official list from the DEA about possible penalties for federal drug trafficking. Theoretically, it might seem like traveling from one state where weed is legal to another would be harmless. But. it is important to consider how you are getting from legal point A to legal point B. 

Crossing State Lines

As you can probably assume, you’re running a considerable risk transporting weed from a state where it is legal to a state where it is not. But, as I mentioned before, you could be risking serious legal trouble taking weed from any state to any other state regardless of legality.

As a result, this is because weed still isn’t legal at the federal level. The legal information providers explain that interstate commerce is under federal jurisdiction, meaning that anytime you cross a state line, you are passing through a jurisdiction where whatever weed you have on you is not technically legal. 


Another point of federal jurisdiction that you may have to pass through during travel is the TSA checkpoints in airports. However, TSA is not really looking for drugs. They care way more about weapons and things of that nature.

That point is further backed by TSA themselves, in a post on their official Instagram, stating, “ TSA officers DO NOT search for marijuana or other illegal drugs,” but they also disclose “in the event, a substance appears to be marijuana or a cannabis-infused product, we’re required by federal law to notify law enforcement.”

However, this applies more to traveling with THC than traveling with CBD; on the official TSA website, it’s stated that “products that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC on a dry weight basis or that are approved by FDA ” are federally legal. So, you should not have a problem taking your CBD products with you – like CBD gummies or CBD oil – as long as they fall under that description. Beware of international travel policies.

Storing & Transporting Your Stash

While TSA may not be actively looking for weed, that doesn’t mean you’ll want your stash right out in the open. Luckily, there are endless options for ways to bring your stash on the go. Of course, you can keep it simple with something like a stash jar, or you can opt-out of taking your stash of flower at all and bring along some edibles or a pen instead.

Please note: there is always a risk of prosecution when transporting marijuana, and we do not advise using any of these tools to transport it illegally. 

Essential Traveling Tools

With all of that being said about the legality of traveling with cannabis and the consequences you could be facing if you got caught with it, you can make an informed decision about whether or not you want to bring your weed with you on your next vacation. If you do decide to travel with your stash, we’ve got a few suggestions for tools that’ll make transportation a little easier. 

Smell-Proof Storage

If you’re planning on traveling with bud, you might want to invest in a smell-proof case. There are many different options at varying prices that all come up from a simple search on the internet. Most of the results resemble suitcases or toiletry bags; some are designed explicitly for weed, and some are more general carrying cases; go with whatever will get the job done for you.

Grinder Card

You’ll want the most portable grinder you can get, and you’ll find that with a grinder card. You can transport these just as easily as a credit card, with the size and shape being about the same. To use it, grate your bud on the surface as you would with cheese on a cheese grater.

A Good One-Hitter

If you’re planning on bringing flowers, you’re also going to need something to smoke out of. Keeping with the classics, one-hitters are a small, inexpensive, and easily transportable option. They’re essentially just a pipe but smaller and more discreet. Just make sure yours is clean before you stick it in your bag, especially if you’re really trying to mask the smell


Your most inconspicuous option would probably be a vape. They don’t produce any smell unless you’re actively using them, and they’re small enough to conceal pretty easily. Of course, a vape could still get you in trouble. But, even if they are visible, nothing about their appearance screams marijuana. So, you have a good chance of getting it to your destination safely.

Final Thoughts

In short: can you legally fly or drive across state lines with weed? No. But can you probably still do it without having a problem? Yeah, probably. With that being said, it is important to be aware of what you’re up against if you do decide to travel with THC and what may happen if you get caught. Just be careful and follow our advice to reduce the risk. 

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