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Neon Joint’s Halloween Special 2022

The Year 2022…Human civilization is on the brink of radical change. Tropical Storms batter the coastlines, Economic Development grinds to a screeching halt, and rampant disease infects and spreads around the human population. No, this is not a horror disaster flick, this is real life. 

Despite the horrors in the world around us, we can forget about all that one night per year and indulge in candy, and primordial tales of imagined monsters. What can make Halloween even better this year? Cannabis of course! Neon Joint has put together a list of sweet THC treats and the best flicks to watch high.

This exhaustive Halloween film list has been specially curated by the film enthusiasts at Neon Joint. Years of being a horror film fan have sharpened our eyes and ears to this genre of filmmaking. So sit back, light up a joint, and enjoy some of the best horror movies to watch while stoned. 

Halloween While High

Before you press play on the best horror movies, be sure to grab enough snacks and drinks to keep you cozy and elevated! You won’t want to walk into a dark room alone (or sober) during a fright night. Here’s what we at Neon Joint recommend. 

Best Halloween Cannabis Treats

Ghouls and ghosts alike need to be 21 or older to enjoy cannabis this Halloween night. With the help of some amazing crypt keepers, we here at Neon Joint have curated and tasted the best THC treats the free market has to offer.

Cannabis Drinks

Rather than smoking the herb, we now live in the 21st century, and THC can be enjoyed in infused beverages. The best THC drinks we have enjoyed are the cannabis-infused seltzers from Pabst Labs and the THC beverages from Wynk. These are great to be sipping on while enjoying your horror films and let the cannabis slowly creep up in your system, so you can ride high right as the film’s plot picks up. 

Cannabis Joints

If you prefer the taste and experience of smoking flowers, then we highly recommend toking up Old Pal’s newest line of pre-rolls. Authentic sun-grown cannabis rolled to perfection. Make the room hazy before the Halloween film frights and get to the exact level of high you need. For your 21+ friends, stock their candy bags with the Palitos, 0.35 g mini joints in a 10-pack. A fun Halloween goodie! 

Cannabis Vapes

Looking for an easy way to toke, vapes are always the highest quality solution. When you want to be puffing during the whole film and keep the high going,  check out these Alt-Cannabinoid vapes from Dimo Hemp. They taste amazing and with such a large variety of strains, you can really create a great smoking experience for the Halloween film fest. 

Neon Joint’s Favorite Halloween Movies to Watch Stoned

Now that you have your weed drinks and doobies on deck, please get elevated and enjoy this highly curated read of the best horror movies to watch while high. We’ve broken them down by category so you can peruse at your pleasure. Fancy a creature feature? Or perhaps a campfire ghost story? We’ve got them all!


The Faculty

With a 90’s star-studded cast, this cheeky, self-aware poke at alien invader films tickles all the boxes of a classic sci-fi horror film. With practical effects galore, a Jon Stewart cameo, and teeming with 90’s horror references, this tight 90-minute alien fest has it all. Elijah Wood is believable as the “nerdy Stephen King type” high-school geek who stumbles upon the invasion of body snatchers. 

Alien Franchise

Ridley Scott introduced audiences to the sexual horror of the Facehugger. Alien is a cornerstone of extraterrestrial horror. The iconic chestburster scene will haunt our imaginations for a lifetime. Alien also features the first true female hero in the character of Ripley, played by Sigourney Weaver. This first film spawned an entire franchise of six films and numerous comics, books, and video games, with an amazing sequel follow-up from James Cameron. Do yourself a favor and watch this masterpiece of American cinema. 

The Thing

John Carpenter delivers a masterpiece in paranoid alien horror with The Thing. A remake of a forgettable 1950s film, Carpenter cranks it up to 11 with explosively horrifying visual effects that will make any normie squirm. Stranded at an arctic research base, Kurt Russell tries to lead his team to survive against a shapeshifting alien menace…who could be anyone. Paranoia consumes the crew as they try to figure out who they are. 

Pitch Black

A Vin Diesel sci-fi classic. This film kickstarted the Riddick franchise (played by Vin Diesel) with this out-of-nowhere mid-budget alien thriller. A rogue comet devastates a transport vessel, crashing the survivors on a planet with three suns. The daylight is misleading however as something brutal lurks beneath the planet’s surface. Pair the survivors with the mysterious prisoner Riddick and you are in for a wild ride. Amazing creature design and a fun performance from Vin keeps this film a top-rated alien horror for us. 

Fire in the Sky

Fire in the Sky flew under most people’s radars when first released. However, it has become a cult classic for fans of slow-burn, mysterious, alien thrillers. Viewers will be questioning whether the main characters are experiencing an alien abduction or being subjected to the delusions of a madman. You will have to watch this spooky piece stoned and find out for yourself if we are alone out here in the universe. 


Tales From the Crypt

The iconic Crypt Creeper delivers laughs and frights in this classic series originally from HBO. Based on the EC Comic series, this groundbreaking television series hosted several iconic actors like John Stamos, Joe Pesci, Brad Pitt, and Tom Hanks in a fresh spooky tale every week. With seven seasons to binge, these edge-of-your-seat tales will keep you entertained to the grave! 


Three petty criminals break into the house of an old man and discover hundreds of VHS tapes scattered around. After popping one in, the real horror begins. V/H/S is a found-footage horror anthology film that delivers gore and fright. This is the first of five films in this horror-found-footage franchise. If you are in for some shaky cam frights, pop this in the V/H/S player. 

Tales From the Darkside: The Movie

Along the lines of Tales From the Crypt, our storyteller here is a little boy about to get cooked by a witch! His only escape, telling her three scary stories to buy himself some time. Steve Buscemi gets a mummy, some cats have more than nine lives, and a struggling artist makes a deal with a….gargoyle. It’s great seeing these stars in their prime, delivering some fun Halloween tales. Tales From the Darkside is a true Halloween staple in our anthology film collection. 

Trick r Treat

This Halloween film is an absolute modern classic. When it was first released in 2007, it was immediately hot with horror film fans. Four brutal stories are woven together on Halloween night, with a common element in them: A creepy trick-or-treater wearing orange footie pajamas with a burlap sack over his head. Who seems to only appear when trouble starts to brew. Sam has become somewhat of a modern Halloween icon and fans are still dying for the rumored sequel. 


Stephen King gets eaten by alien moss..what more do you need!? The 1980s was an amazing time for horror. Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street were bringing in new fans of the genre and terrorizing audiences nationwide. Creepshow is directed by George A. Romero (Night of the Living Dead) and he brings these five short stories to gory fulfillment. Creepshow is an homage to the EC Comics of the 1950s, such as Tales From the Crypt. This film also marks one of the early effects of icon Tom Savini, who was brought on for the film to give viewers a comic-book feel. One of the tales in the film, “The Crate”, is filled with EC Comic references and amazing creature effects. 


The Mummy

This Universal remake of the classic monster film has been ingrained in American popular culture thanks to the film’s leading 90’s star, Brenden Frasier. Scary mummies, flesh-eating beetles, and claustrophobic pyramids unleash Egyptian-themed terror on the viewer. This action-horror hybrid is a fun spectacle and great addition to the Halloween watchlist. 

Lake Placid

Lake Placid was a childhood favorite for many. Betty White finds herself feeding a giant killer croc in a quaint upstate New York lake town. After a local deputy is beheaded by the beast, experts are called in to capture the reptile, alive or dead. With Oliver Platt, Bill Pullman, and Brenden Gleason all giving stellar performances, this 90’s creature feature is a fun Halloween watch. 

Deep Blue Sea

Deep Blue Sea is an iconic shark film. While Jaws deserves the award for the best example of filmmaking, Deep Blue Sea cranks the shark factor up to 11. We won’t give any spoilers here, but Deep Blue Sea delivers underwater thrills and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. After a tropical storm traps a group of researchers in an underwater base, it also unleashes the test sharks that they were experimenting on. With solid performances from Thomas Jane and Samuel L. Jackson, get stoned and dive into this movie. 


Jennifer Lopez and Ice Cube…do you need more? This action-packed Amazonian romp transports us to the rainforest, where we follow a documentary crew as they try to capture footage of a lost tribe. Slithering through their trip, however, is a man-devouring anaconda snake. Enjoy some plant medicine and sit back for this reptilian terror flick. 

The Blob

The 1988 remake of 50’s creature feature, The Blob, is an absolute classic, more-so over the original film. Amazing effects and absolutely horrifying terror of the blob creature will leave you frightined beyond belief. A throwback to B-movies of the golden era, it’s an almost metaphorical tale of big government creeping into small town America, and using them as nothing more than guinea pigs. Without spoilers, let’s just say Uncle Sam sometimes hinders more than helps. 


The Ritual

Four friends, grieving the loss of a mutual friend, take a backpacking trip through the Swedish wilderness to honor their lost companion. When the group strays off course, something follows from the deep, dark wood to prey on the unsuspecting friends. This slow burn and the rewarded tale are well worth the watch for a good scary film. The effects, acting and pacing all make this moody feature a solid Swedish horror folk tale. 

The Wicker Man

“Not the Bees!” Coming in as the 6th greatest British film of all time (no, not the Nicholas Cage remake) — We are talking about the 1973 folk horror classic — The Wicker Man. Think Burning Man meets an actual British folk cult, The Wicker Man spins the tale of a police officer investigating the disappearance of a young girl after receiving a mysterious letter. While investigating the island she hails from, the very Christian police sergeant finds himself repulsed by the pagan rituals of the local folk. Until eventually becomes the victim of the island rituals himself. Horror icon Christopher Lee is in the film, and this slow-burn Midsommar pre-cursor is a staple for folk horror films. 

The Witch

The VVitch is Robert Eggers folk horror masterpiece. A 16th-century puritan family, exiled from their community, takes up residence in a small farm adjacent to the primordial New England woods. As the title explains, not everything that lurks in the woods is of this mortal realm, and strange and horrible happenings start happening to this paranoid family. 


From Ari Aster, the director of the breakout horror hit, Hereditary, comes another eerie folk horror story. A woman grieving for the death of her family in a bizarre murder/suicide joins some friends on a trip to rural Scandinavia to witness the annual midsummer festival…but creepy stuff starts happening in the village and it’s up to our protagonist to survive these bizarre ancient rituals. Shot entirely in daylight, this film’s sense of horror doesn’t come from the jump scares, but the increasing sense of dread and disturbing imagery will leave viewers shocked. Save this flick for when you are alone, viewers beware. 


Ravenous is the ONLY film that gives a proper rendition of the Native American cryptid, the Wendigo. Set out west in the 1840s,  American soldiers and frontiersmen find themselves hunted by a killer cannibal. Guy Pearce as the tortured soldier who must endure this horror is very authentic, and fun performances all around have made this film a cult horror favorite. 



Scientifically proven to be the scariest horror film ever! Sinister is a captivating ghost story that will have you leaving the lights on all night long. Ethan Hawke embodies a true-crime writer looking for his next big book….but what he discovers will leave his family with unforeseen consequences. For maximum impact we highly recommend you get stoned, turn all the lights off, and embrace the fear for the truly well-crafted film. 


Ari Aster is a horror auteur. This film produced by A24 will leave you terrified and disturbed. After a brutal accident leaves a family on edge and traumatized, supernatural forces begin to conspire against the family leading to only one final solution. Keeping this description vague, if you have not had the chance to watch Hereditary yet, we absolutely recommend going in high and blind and enjoying this horror roller coaster. 

Ghost Stories

A man devoted to debunking fraudulent psychics is tasked with solving three unexplained paranormal events. This British horror story will keep you on the edge of your seat. Emotional and thought-provoking, this isn’t your grandma’s campfire ghost story, but a modern tale of loss and the afterlife. 


Just WOW. This film blew us away when we watched it in 2022. From modern horror icon James Wan comes this rollercoaster of a horror film. This flick will leave the viewer guessing all the way until the third act. Action-packed and disturbing, this horror film is a must-watch! 


Who you gonna call? Is it even Halloween if Ghostbusters isn’t on? An amazing costume-filled 80’s comedy, this film is an American classic. Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Harrold Ramis, and Sigourney Weaver all are knockouts! You will be slimed with laughter! Its theme song, “Ghostbusters” by Ray Parker Jr., is an iconic Halloween soundtrack hit. Amazing ghoulish special effects and a tight plot keep this film entertaining throughout its runtime. 


Evil Dead 2/Army of Darkness

We’re pairing these two Sam Raimi cult classics as a double feature. Starring Bruce Cambell as Ash Williams, Ash finds himself harassed and possessed by a cavalcade of maniacal demons after accidentally unleashing them. 

You may be confused as to why we are not including the first Evil Dead film, which is the precursor to Evil Dead 2 and doesn’t necessarily have to be counted as part of the canon. Evil Dead 2 serves as a soft reboot as director Sam Raimi wanted to shift to a more comedic focus for these films. This gross-out horror comedy will have you laughing and screaming in terror. With amazing special effects and great physical comedy, Evil Dead 2 is a Halloween must-watch.

Army of Darkness is a direct sequel to Evil Dead 2. If you are a fan of medieval times, this film finds Ash sucked back in time to a crusader kingdom, hell-bent on defending themselves from the evils of the Necronomicon, aka, the book of the dead. “This is my BOOMSTICK”. Army of Darkness has an amazing final battle sequence and fun fish-out-of-water storyline with Ash Williams confused by the culture of the 12th century. 

Shaun of the Dead

In part one of the Cornetto Ice Cream trilogy, longtime actor/director partners Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg tell us a romantic comedy….with zombies. The titular character of Shaun is trying to “sort his life out” and get out of his dead-end job and finally propose and get serious with his longtime girlfriend. That is, until the zombies show up. With solid gore, good laughs, and a truly heartwarming story, this is a fun Halloween watch for the roster. 


Don’t watch this past midnight! Gremlins, the 1980’s classic film, mixes cuteness, horror, and laughs. Directed by Joe Dante, Gremlins is a perfect Christmas horror comedy. The special effects and creature design are immaculate and this film is light on true scares and violence so it can be watched with the whole family! 


A spiritual successor to Ghostbusters, but this time with aliens! David Duchovny, Orlando Jones, and Sean William Scott form a comedic trio as locals fight off an alien menace that invades their small Arizona town. This film was a favorite growing up, with solid practical effects and great chemistry between the actors that make this fun alien flick a good Halloween watch. 

Scary Movie 2

Poking fun at the horror films of the early 2000s, Scary Movie 2 is a sequel of sorts to the first film in this parody franchise. Directed by and starring Keenen Ivory Wayans. Scary Movie 2 parodies an array of supernatural and haunted house films from various decades, namely The Haunting (1999), Stigmata (1999), The Exorcist (1973), The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), The Amityville Horror (1979), and Poltergeist (1982). Scary Movie 2 delivers some solid laugh-out-loud moments and some fun stoner humor. Get high and let the ghosts make you laugh. 


The Void

An otherworldly and mysterious cult besieges a small town hospital, hell-bent on bringing forth the apocalypse. Gnarly creature effects and gore in the film will make you squeal. With solid pacing and storyline, this film gets more and more bonkers as it progresses. With cults, disturbing monsters, and otherworldly dimensions, this film checks all the boxes of Lovecraftyness. Enjoy high and get ready to be frightened.

In the Mouth of Madness

“Do you read Sutter Cane?” This apocalyptic tale from horror master John Carpenter stars Sam Neill (Jurassic Park) as an insurance investigator who visits a small town while looking into the disappearance of a successful author of horror novels and begins to question his sanity as the lines between reality and fiction seem to blur. Paying homage to the works of H.P. Lovecraft and having a god-like otherworldly entity drive people insane are cornerstones of Lovecraftian sin-sired horror. This thriller will have you questioning your reality as we follow the protagonist down an unfortunate path. 

Event Horizon

Also Starring Sam Neill (does this guy love Lovecraftian works?), but this time taking place in the far future. Space transport Event Horizon has reappeared after disappearing several years earlier. The crew of the Lewis & Clark is tasked with investigating why. What the crew discovers will break their minds and trap them in this outer space horror. An underrated cult classic, Event Horizon is enjoying a bit of renaissance and is a must-watch for the space horror fan. 

Color Out of Space

Nicholas Cage stars in this true H.P. Lovecraft short story adaptation. A small family begins experiencing the consequences of an alien meteorite crashing onto their property. Very stylized and with solid visual effects, along with a fun Tommy Chong cameo, this film checks all the boxes of Halloween horror. Watch high for a truly otherworldly experience. 

Altered States

A trippy exploration of mankind’s origins and unlocking our inner minds, the film is based in part on John C. Lilly’s sensory deprivation research conducted in isolation tanks, under the influence of psychoactive drugs like mescaline, ketamine, and LSD. This film will have you squirming and thinking about the horrors of primordial man. Maybe hold off on the psychedelics while watching this, but a solid thriller film to add to the Halloween film collection. 


Friday the 13th Franchise

Jason Voorhees with his iconic hockey mask and machete has etched himself onto the pop-cultural mindset for the last 40 years. This franchise has spawned 10+ films, all similar in vein about a group of horny young adults being stalked and mutilated by the hockey-masked killer. These films set the standard of the “slasher genre” and Jason remains an iconic Halloween costume and staple. Campy and full of fun gory special effects, Friday the 13th will live on forever on the Halloween watchlist. 

A Nightmare on Elm Street

A little bit punnier than Jason Voorhees (they even face off!) Freddy Krueger has become a horror icon in his own right. The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise finds teens battling to stay awake as child killer Freddy Krueger stalks them in their dreams. Freddy is a lot more unique in his on-screen kills as the films fully utilize the in-world magic of him being in dreams. Such as transforming into a giant worm and eating victims, to taking on their deepest fears to kill them. We highly recommend watching the first film in the series and the most iconic, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors


John Carpenter defined the slasher genre with the 1978 film Halloween. The iconic white Michael Myers masks haunted American cinema-goers for years to come. On Halloween night, escaped mental patient Michal Myers terrorizes his hometown of Haddonfield. Scream Queen Jaimie Lee Curtis must survive the night being hunted by the masked killer. 


A modern horror mashup of Freaky Friday meets Halloween! Vince Vaughn is a maniacal killer who supernaturally trades bodies with a teenage girl. With the killer now in the teen’s body, it is a race against time to stop the killer and switch bodies back to normal. A fun flick that is well-acted and paced, along with some great on-screen slasher kills. Add this one to the watchlist. 


This stylish film is filmed entirely from the POV of our titular maniac, played by Elijah Wood. A lonely mannequin salesman stalks and kills women in the city of LA. A very unique take on the slasher genre, if you are an Elijah Wood fan then this gory flick is your cup of tea. 


The Howling

The Howling set the standard for werewolf special effects when released in 1981. Dee Wallace is a Los Angeles-based reporter who discovers a colony of werewolves preying on Angelinos. Director Joe Dante (Gremlins) brings a bit of humor to this creature feature and pays homage to horror flicks of the past. Three full moons out of 5. 

Dog Soldiers

One of our personal favorite werewolf films of all time! This action-packed, violent, and well-designed film follows a group of British army soldiers out training in the field. After discovering a massacre of a previous squad, the group holds up in a seemingly abandoned farmstead. Like Goldilocks, the hungry beasts come back to their lair and besiege the troops in the farmhouse. This film features a lot of British character actors like Sean Pertwee, Kevin McKidd, Emma Cleasby and Liam Cunningham. The wolves in this film are very well designed and the film’s microbudget is really well utilized. 

An American Werewolf in London

John Landis gives us a mix of comedy and horror in this full-moon feature. Two American tourists are attacked in the British countryside by an unknown beast. While one is savagely mauled, the other gets away with only a scratch. Haunted by his dead best friend, the protagonist learns that during the full moon he will transform into a werewolf and kill indiscriminately. The transformation sequence is widely hailed as a cornerstone in practical effects, the film is worth the watch for that scene alone. 

Van Helsing

While a bit cheesy, this Hugh Jackman action-horror hybrid brought together all the famous Universal classic monsters. Frankenstein, Jekyll & Hyde, Dracula, and The Wolfman, this is the Avengers of classical horror. Van Helsing has to travel to Transylvania to stop Dracula from releasing horrors unto the world. Lots of cool designs but its CGI is very dated. 

Silver Bullet

Rear Window meets a full moon in this Stephen King adaptation. A wheelchair-bound boy and his sister try to stop a series of local killings, believed to be perpetrated by a werewolf. Not the highest-rated of King’s adaptations, but with a fun part from Gary Busey and some cool werewolf effects, this film makes out the list.


30 Days of Night

Vampires like you have never seen before. These aren’t the suave aristocrats like Dracula. In 30 Days of Night (a reference to the seasonal cycles in the northern hemisphere) a group of bloodthirsty vampires invades a small Alaskan town, hellbent on drinking the town dry. The setup is amazing for the reveal of the creatures of the night, the film does a wonderful job of building the suspense of death taking over the small community. 

Blade Trilogy

Wesley Snipes enters a “blood rave” brandishing a sword to slay vampires. This nostalgic film series is more of a Disney acquisition marvel at its finest. Written by David S. Goyer, the Blade Trilogy remains an action horror favorite on our list. Highly recommend if you are into snappy dialogue with some great vampire action. 

Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Francis Ford Coppola brings us very dramatic set pieces and fine costuming and set design in this adaptation of the classic novel. Anthony Hopkins as Van Helsing with Gary Oldman highlights this very big adaptation. Filmmaker Coppola used a lot of handcrafted camera effects to great detail, sticking to an old-school style of filmmaking, a true artistic expression. This film might be one for the end of the night, however, so plan to green out to the documentary-like historical sequences and soundtrack. 

The Lost Boys

Peak 80’s fashion and vibes in this vampiric retro flick. The film features an iconic soundtrack and visuals. With performances from Corey Feldman and Kiefer Sutherland, this moody vampire flick is violent, scary, and a cornerstone of vampire filmmaking. 

John Carpenter’s Vampires

James Woods is the hero in another John Carpenter joint. Vampire hunting in the American southwest provides some cool shots and amazing use of daylight to burn some vamps up. 


Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Zach Snyder’s remake of the George Romero classic zombie film was released to mixed reviews when initially unleashed on the public. However, this film was one of the first zombie films for many and has been etched into our minds ever since. The zombie make-up is very detailed and grotesque, the fast zombie makes for an even scarier antagonist, and the characters all feel unique and realistic. The premise of this film is that as the zombie outbreak gets underway, we find our group of survivors trapped in a typical American shopping mall. Gory, thrilling, and comedic at times, this zombie flick captures the essence of being trapped inside with nowhere to go. 

28 Days Later

Most credit 28 Days Later with the start of the “fast zombie” movement. While the infected humans biting and killing people in this film aren’t technically zombies (merely humans infected with the “rage virus”) this film still gets categorized as a zombie film as it still carries the basic tenets of the genre. It’s eerie and truly captures the mood of being isolated and confused, wondering what happened to all the people. A man awakens from a coma to find the city of London seemingly abandoned. Little does he know, the infected stalk what little groups of humans remain, and he must find a way to survive in this new reality. 

Return of the Living Dead

Horror and comedy return from the grave in this 80’s zombie satire. The ghouls are unkillable and talk! Demanding to be fed human brains. This film has some gross-out moments and humor, not so much a realistic zombie tale but a fun poke at the genre. Give this one a watch when you are super baked and laugh with some friends. 


This Netflix original zombie film stars Martin Freeman (The Hobbit, Ghost Stories) as a survivor in the Outback trying to care for his infant daughter. Without revealing any spoilers, the countdown is on for him to find someone capable of helping him care for this fresh baby while navigating a zombie-filled wasteland. Superb acting and great integration of the aboriginal Australian community make this one thoughtful and emotional zombie rollercoaster. 

Train to Busan

We are ending this list with the absolute best zombie film since the original Night of The Living Dead. We cannot stress enough how well made and acted this film is. It completely blew us away. This Korean film perfectly encapsulates the emotions, thrills, and horror of dealing with the first stages of a zombie outbreak. It will make you laugh, cry, and scream as we follow the tale of a father simply trying to rise to the occasion for his distant daughter. Please watch this movie blind without any trailers or reading any reviews. This film also has a direct sequel and animated prequel for you to enjoy after. 

Happy Halloween, stoners!

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